Warr1024Discover and invent in a surreal, unsympathetic world of cubes, patterns, and abstractions.
Item Drop
tacotexmexThis mod adds Minecraft like drop/pick up of items to Minetest.
CasimirA classic game for exploring, survival and building. Maintained by rudzik8
sofarA perfect texture pack by Hugh "XSSheep" Rutland
Good Morning Craft
tacotexmexA simple yet quirky texture pack by Louis Durrant
Isabella II
zayuimA moody texture pack by "Bonemouse"
LukeAllows admins to become invisible and appear as if they are not in-game at all.
Zero-Effort Custom Minerals
Piezo_A tool for registering entire materials, complete with ore generation, tool-sets and automatically generated sprites with almost no effort required
Mese Portals
mt-modsA futuristic multiplayer transportation system
Ma & Pop's Furniture Mod
GamingAssociation39This mod adds in functional furniture.
GamingAssociation39Adds laptops/computers to your MT world.
Wooden Bucket
Hume2A bucket made of wood for new farmers
Utilities for Underch - extension pack
Hume2Extend the Underground Challenge by miscelaneous utilities and change some recipes
Burnable Diamonds
Hume2Make diamonds useable as fuel
Randomized Map-specific Ores
Piezo_Adds two randomly created ores to each world with varying properties depending on the world's seed
Hallelujah Mountains (AKA Cloudlands)
DrFrankenstoneGiant rocks floating suspended in magnetic eddies. (skylands, islands, fantasy, giant trees)
niwla23Spawns a lightning over the dedposition of a player when he dies
Minetest Systemd (API)
Piezo_Debugging utility and compatibility tools for server owners and/or modpack creators
Rain Barrels and Wells
Piezo_Replaces overpowered "water generators" with a unique water-harvesting system
SiresAdds some pretty OP tools :)
Simple Dice
farfadet46Simple dice for little games ;)
niwla23Adds bubble machines
World Borders
argyleAdd impenetrable barriers to the sides and bottom of the world.
niwla23This adds a lot of commands to troll! Its ver WIP