
Adds some different ground blocks in several wetness levels; the wetness slowly flows downward.

Environment / Weather Mapgen / Biomes / Decoration

Download (756 KB)

How do I install this?

Adds some different ground blocks in several wetness levels; the wetness slowly flows downward. Also adds several snow and ice blocks. Intended as foundation for other mods.



Do you recommend this mod?

  • Neat feature, but it can spam the chat and log with errors

    There is a deprecation warning about use_texture_alpha clipping for this mod affecting:

    "pedology_ice_pure.png" of pedology:ice_pure_cube "pedology_ice_pure.png" of pedology:ice_pure_doublepanel "pedology_ice_pure.png" of pedology:ice_pure_halfstair "pedology_ice_pure.png" of pedology:ice_pure_micropanel "pedology_ice_pure.png" of pedology:ice_pure_microslab "pedology_ice_pure.png" of pedology:ice_pure_nanoslab "pedology_ice_pure.png" of pedology:ice_pure_panel "pedology_ice_pure.png" of pedology:ice_pure_thinstair


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