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How do I install this?

"golden lava" adds a fun gold lava decoration (gold color) for decorative use, can appear underground very rarely, a very nice achievement for those who spend time mining

not in inventory /giveme lavagold:bucketlavagold



Do you recommend this mod?

  • Weird world we live in

    I could sense what that maintainer of this mod wanted to make, but seriously it is quite hilarious of finding such a decoration deep underground.

    Well I have a suggestion to why not make this lava not only craftable but also able to form gold

  • What even

    This doesn't look golden or like lava. Besides that, this is entirely useless. I suppose as a starter project it's fine, liquids are one of the harder things to do as a beginner (from my experience) but it just does not add anything of value.

  • it look like some kind of soup

    yeah not lying it look like soup

    such a shame that this weird texture got approved and not mine that i spent hours porting it into minetest

  • wow an update, now we have lavagold PART (CHAPTER) 2!!!!1141!

    can't wait to see what did the LAVAGOLD v2 deliver to us


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