Playerfactions Ext

extension of Playerfactions which adds sub-commands that allow you to teleport, give/withdraw privs and/or items to all members of a faction at the same time or for one player in a faction.

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For Luanti 5.0 and above

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Playerfactions-ext is an extension of the Playerfactions mod which adds sub-commands that allow you to teleport, give/withdraw privs and/or items to all members of a faction at the same time or for one player in a faction.

They were used as part of the UNEJ project, which uses Minetest with students to rework on real areas in France. This was made possible thanks to the IGN (French National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information) service, which allows to create Minetest maps from from geographical data of France or the world (OSM data).

Requirements: Playerfactions mod must be installed.


/factions teleport <player_name> <player_name|factions>

This is an increased /teleport <player_name> <player_name> function, accepting to teleport a player or a faction to another player.

/factions grant <player_name|factions> <privs|privs_group|all>

This is an increased /grant <player> <privs|all> function, accepting to give a privs, a group of privs or all privs to a player, a faction or to every connected players. - privs_group are initialized in /worldpath/privs_group.conf - factions will be integrate soon

/factions revoke <player_name|everyone|factions> <privs|privs_group|all>

This is an increased /revoke <player> <privs|all> function, accepting to revoke a privs, a group of privs or all privs to a player, a faction or to every connected players. - privs_group is a list of string and is initialized in /worldpath/privs_group.conf - factions will be integrate soon

/factions empty_inventory <player|faction>

Empties inventory of a player or a faction.

/factions give <player|faction> <identifier [\<amount\>[ \<wear\>]]|package>

Gives an item or a package to a player or a faction. This is an extension of the basic /give command. <amount>: 1-65535, defaults to 1 is optional, only affects stackable nodes, has no effect otherwise (e.g. tools) <wear>: 0-65535, defaults to 0 (intact), requires amount to be specified, only affects tools. Configuration file <world directory>/unej/manage_give.conf example:

      { "packages": 
          "my_package": [
            "default:brick 100",
            "default:pick_steel 1 30000"

/factions equip <player|faction> <identifier [\<amount\>[ \<wear\>]]|package>

Replaces inventory for a player or a faction. Have the same parameters than u_give. Replaces player inventory instead of adding to it

/factions packages [\<package\>]

List and displays information on packages. List available packages (if no argument is given) or the contents of designated package.


Licensed under the AGPL (Affero General Public License).


This mod is published with funding from the NLNet Foundation.



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