Test Harness

Provides an automated testing framework by simulating player behavior on a server. It allows developers to create, register, and run tests to their packages

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Docker Test Harness for Minetest Mods


This mod provides an automated testing framework for Minetest mods by simulating player behavior on a Minetest server. It allows developers to create, register, and run tests to ensure the correct behavior of their mods in various scenarios.


  • Test Registration: Easily register custom tests for your mod.
  • Player Behavior Simulation: Simulate player actions for automatic testing.
  • Modular Structure: Each test is associated with a specific mod and can be customized.
  • Area and Node Manipulation: Test areas can be defined, and node checks can be performed.
  • Test Context and State Management: Manage and track the progress of tests across multiple mods.


The tests are run using Docker or Podman. Therefore you'll need to have either one of them installed. It also uses bash, jq and the gnu version of mktemp (found in the coreutils package for Alpine). For automated testing, the mod is testing itself, so this repository shows an example of configuration for the Gitlab CI. The main point being to have runners able to run docker pipelines and do docker in docker.


This mod's goal is to provide a test framework for implementing tests for minetest mods.

  1. Declare test_harness as an optional dependencies for your mod
  2. Copy the .util folder in your project
  3. Copy the .util/.mod_env.json.tmpl to .mod_env.json at the root of your folder.
  4. Adapt its content. Do not remove the test_harness dependency definition.
  5. The list of mods to test can be set in the additional_mods key. This list will be added to current_mod, if you add some mods, the list must start with a comma.
  6. Customize the minetest server configuration by adding configuration values in the minetest_add_conf value. This must be a single string, with line returns if necessary.
  7. You can add some file to the server's container with the additional_files value. This is an array of object having the "path" and "content" keys. If the content is in json then it is directly added as is in the resulting file.
  8. If necessary, customize the .util/Dockerfile if the previous means are not sufficients.
  9. In your source files (in the init.lua for example) add the following lines (or equivalent)

    lua if minetest.settings:get_bool("test_harness_run_tests", false) then dofile(minetest.get_modpath("my_mod").. "/test/init.lua") end

  10. In your test file(s), get an instance of the method allowing the registration of your tests:

lua local register_test = test_harness.get_test_registrator("my_mod", my_mod.version_string)

  1. Register the test by calling register_test
  2. Run the test by lauching the run_tests.sh script. For example with Podman

    shell $ .util/run_tests.sh --podman -c 1

    See the available options with .util/run_tests.sh --help



Licensed under the AGPL (Affero General Public License).


This mod is published with funding from the NLNet Foundation.



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