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For Minetest 5.0 and above

How do I install this?

An implementation of 3D Cellular Automata for Minetest. Resembles Flux.

Part of the Cellestial Series: cellestial, cellestiall and cellestial_game

Also see "Candidates for the Game of Life in Three Dimensions" by Carter Bays


  • High Performance
  • Intuitive Interfaces
  • Powerful API


Available in-game through /cells help.


Below is the default configuration, located under <worldpath>/config/cellestial.json. It is mostly self-explaining. A few notes:

  • r, g, b: Red, green and blue color components
  • max_steps: Maximum steps per item use / second
  • speedup: Decrease processing time, but cache more
  • mapcache: Cache the nodes of the area
  • arena_defaults: Values used for arenas if not provided
  "colors": {
    "cell": {
      "edge": {
        "r": 0,
        "g": 128,
        "b": 0
      "fill": {
        "r": 0,
        "g": 255,
        "b": 0
    "border": {
      "edge": {
        "r": 51,
        "g": 51,
        "b": 51
      "fill": {
        "r": 77,
        "g": 77,
        "b": 77
  "max_steps": 10,
  "request_duration": 30,
  "creative": true,
  "place_inside_player": false,
  "speedup": true,
  "mapcache": false,
  "arena_defaults": {
    "name": "unnamed",
    "dimension": {"x": 80, "y": 80, "z": 80},
    "search_origin": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0},
    "steps": 1,
    "threshold": 0.5



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