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For Minetest 5.4 and above

How do I install this?

To change colors and messages go to config.lua. In config.lua:

  • join_prefix_msg = The message sent before the nickname, when a player joins the server. (Default: [Server] -> )
  • join_color_msg = The color of the message when the player joins the server, outside the player’s name. (Default: "#00d11d")
  • join_message = Message to say the player has joined the server. (Default: " joined the game.")
  • join_color_player_name = Color of the player when he joins the server. (Default: "#00d8ea")

  • left_prefix_msg = The message sent before the nickname, when a player leaves the server. (Default: [Server] -> )

  • left_color_msg = The color of the message when the player leaves the server, outside the player’s name. (Default: "#00d11d")
  • left_message = Message to say the player has to leave the server. (Default: " left the game.")
  • left_color_player_name = Color of the player when he leaves the server. (Default: "#00d8ea")

All names with "st" in front are for the message config for staff with the StaffRanks mod.



Do you recommend this mod?

  • feature request :player specific join/leave messages

    this would be helpfull for example to have a costum join message for the admin account or moderators