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How do I install this?


Thanks to this mod, you will be able to conveniently administer your Minetest server!


  • /godEnable/disable god mode
  • /ipFind out the IP of the players (SAFETY USE)
  • /broadcastSend a message to the entire server
  • /getposGet the position of the player
  • /rename_meHides your real nickname and replaces it with a fake new one
  • /rename_itemRenames an wielded item in hand
  • /killKills any player
  • /healHeals a player to the maximum health points
  • /seedShows an seed of the world
  • /colorSets a color for your nickname (Scrapped)
  • /biomeGets any info about current biome are you standing
  • /trollOpens menu for some trolling
  • /vMakes player an FULLY invisible
  • /callRequest a teleport permission to player
  • And more commands!



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