TPH's Doors API Redo

(INTENDED FOR DEVELOPERS) Attempts to ease and better simplify door mechanics + registration

Work in Progress API / Library

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For Minetest 5.5 and above

How do I install this?

INTENDED FOR PROGRAMMING PURPOSES ONLY - please check init.lua currently for how functions work! Docs in the works! (wanted to make a quick demo release to get feedback). No demonstrative doors provided - you can check commit history on the GIT for them though ;p

I bring you my rendition at an overhaul of Minetest's doors system! A system that I personally dislike a lot - and wanted to see if I could rework from the ground up. Uses ONLY 2 nodes and tries to use meta calls as minimally as possible. No weird self object functionality either. Doors are pretty much fully functional already - any that you register with my mod.

This is intended to ease developer's woes with designing doors + adding a lot more customization and permitting more functionality and conditions. There's a lot more functions to your doors that you can specify such as the doors_interact callback and you now have the ability to use nodeboxes to make doors.

I'm working on setting up conversion from Minetest Game's system to my own system as well - lots of success but not fully furnished and bugs not fully fleshed out. I haven't created a system for trapdoors just yet - but it's in the brain works :D

Hope you enjoy! Feedback - praise and criticism alike is greatly appreciated! I'd like to made my mod as accessible and easy to use as is possible



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