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For Minetest 5.8 and above

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Better Commands

Adds commands and syntax from a certain other voxel game (such as /kill @e[type=mobs_mc:zombie, distance = 2..]) to Minetest. For compatible command blocks, use my Better Command Blocks mod. I'm basically copying them from a certain other voxel game (whose name will not be mentioned), hereafter referred to as ACOVG. I may eventually make a wiki to explain the differences.

PLEASE help with bug reports and PR's

This is kind of a huge project. ACOVG's commands are complicated.

Current command list:

  • /bc*: Allows players to run any command added by this mod even if its name matches the name of an existing command (for example, /bc give @a default:dirt or even /bc bc /bc /bc bc give @a default:dirt)
  • /old* Basically the opposite of bc, running any command overridden by commands from this mod.
  • /?: Alias for /help
  • /ability <player> <priv> [true/false]: Shows or sets <priv> of <player>.
  • /execute align|anchored|as|at|facing|positioned|rotated|run ...: Runs other Better Commands (not other commands) after changing the context. If you want more information, check ACOVG's wiki because I'm not explaining it all here. Some arguments will not be added, others will be but haven't yet.
  • /give <player> <item>: Gives <item> to <player>
  • /giveme <item>*: Equivalent to /give @s <item>
  • /kill [target]: Kills entities (or self if left empty)
  • /killme*: Equivalent to /kill @s
  • /me <message>: Broadcasts a message about yourself
  • /msg: Alias for /tell
  • /say <message>: Sends a message to all connected players (supports entity selectors in <message>)
  • /summon <entity> [pos] [rotation] Summons an entity
  • /scoreboard objectives|players ...: Manipulates the scoreboard
  • /setblock <pos> <node> [destroy|keep|replace]: Places nodes (supports metadata/param1/param2).
  • /setnode: Alias for /setblock
  • /team add|empty|join|leave|list|modify|remove ...: Manipulates teams.
  • /teleport [too many argument combinations]: Sets entities' position and rotation
  • /tell <player> <message>: Sends a message to specific players (supports entity selectors in <message>)
  • /trigger <objective> [add|set <value>]: Allows players to set their own scores in controlled ways
  • /tp: Alias for /teleport
  • /w: Alias for /tell

* Not in ACOVG

Entity selectors

Everywhere you would normally enter a player name, you can use an entity selector instead. Entity selectors let you choose multiple entities and narrow down exactly which ones you want to include.

There are 5 selectors: * @s: Self (the player running the command) * @a: All players * @e: All entities * @r: Random player * @p: Nearest player

@r and @p can also select multiple players or other entities if using the type or limit/c arguments (explained below).

Selector arguments

Selectors support various arguments, which allow you to select more specific entities. To add arguments to a selector, put them in [square brackets] like this:


You can include spaces if you want (although this many spaces seems a bit excessive):

@e [ type = mobs_mc:zombie , name = Bob ]

This selector selects all MCLA/VL zombies named Bob.

All arguments must be satisfied for an entity to be selected.

@s ignores all arguments, unlike in ACOVG.

Here is the current list of arguments: * x/y/z: Sets the position for the distance/rm/r arguments. If one or more are left out, they stay the same. * distance: Distance from where the command was run. This supports ranges (described below). * rm/r: Identical to distance=<rm>..<r> (this is slightly different from ACOVG's usage). * name: The name of the entity * type: The entity ID (for example mobs_mc:zombie). * sort: The method for sorting entities. Can be arbitrary (default for @a and @e), nearest (default for @p), furthest, or random (default for @r). * limit/c: The maximum number of entites to match. limit and c do exactly the same thing, and only one can be included.

Entity aliases

Some entities have aliases. For example, you can type use @e[type=zombie] to select all zombies, instead of having to use @e[type=mobs_mc:zombie]. Aliases currently exist for items (item instead of __builtin:item), falling nodes (falling_node or falling_block), and mobs from the following mods: * Animalia * Dmobs * Draconis * Wilhelmines Living Nether * Mobs Animal * balrug (flux's fork) * Water Mobs (mobs_crocs, mobs_fish, mobs_jellyfish, mobs_sharks, mobs_turtles) * Mob Horse * Mob Mese Monster Classic * Mobs Monster * Mobs Skeletons * VoxeLibre and Mineclonia * Not So Simple Mobs

You can add or change aliases in entity_aliases.lua.

Number ranges

Some arguments (currently just distance at the moment) support number ranges. These are basically min..max (you don't need both). Everywhere a range is accepted, a normal number will also be accepted. Examples of ranges: * 1..1: Matches exactly 1 * 1..2: Matches any number between 1 and 2 (inclusive) * 1..: Matches any number greater than or equal to 1 * ..-1.5: Matches any number less than or equal to -1.5 * 1..-1: Matches no numbers (since it would have to be greater than 1 and less than -1, which is impossible).

Excluding with arguments

Some arguments (such as name and type) allow you to prefix the value with !. This means that it will match anything except the entered value. For example, since @e[type=player] matches all players, @e[type=!player] matches all entities that are not players. Arguments testing for equality cannot be duplicated, while arguments testing for inequality can. In other words, you can have as many type=!<something> as you want but only one type=<something>.

Known Issues:

  1. I can't figure out how to do quotes or escape characters. This means that you cannot do things like /kill @e[name="Trailing space "] or have ] in any part of entity/item/node data.
  2. /tp does not support the checkForBlocks argument in one version of ACOVG. This might change in the future.
  3. Only entities that use luaentity.nametag or luaentity._nametag for nametags (and players, of course) are supported by the name selector argument. This includes all mobs from MCLA/VL and Mobs Redo, but potentially not others.
  4. /setblock only supports replace or keep, not destroy, and only places nodes using set_node. Some nodes may not act right since they weren't placed by a player. You could, in theory, look at the node's code and set its metadata...
  5. /time does not properly add to the day count.
  6. Only players (not other entities) are supported by scoreboards, teams, and entity tags, since other entities don't have UUIDs. This might change.
  7. Except in MCLA/VL, the playerKillCount and killed_by, teamkill, and killedByTeam objectives can only track direct kills (so not arrows or explosions, for example).
  8. Objectives cannot be displayed as hearts, although literally the only reason is that there's no good half heart character.
  9. Team prefixes and suffixes have been replaced with nameFormat (for example, /team modify a_nice_team nameFormat [Admin] %s the great), where any %s is replaced with the player's name. If your name was singleplayer, it would appear as [Admin] singleplayer the great. The reason for this is pretty simple: I don't want to figure out how to do quotes, and Minetest removes trailing space, meaning prefixes ending in spaces are impossible. This fixes that.
  10. The /give command is currently unable to give multiple tools (so /give @s default:pick_wood 5 will only give 1). This may change.



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