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For Minetest 5.6 and above

How do I install this?

matterbridge_player_events Minetest mod

Requires the yl_matterbridge mod which must be configured first for this mod to work.

This mod adds the following features

  • When a player joins, a message is sent to yl_matterbridge
  • When a player dies, a message is sent to yl_matterbridge
  • When a player leaves, a message is sent to yl_matterbridge
  • When a player cheats, a message is sent to yl_matterbridge

Each feature is optional, and can be enabled/disabled with the following settings in your minetest.conf

  • matterbridge_player_events.report_join (default true)
  • matterbridge_player_events.report_die (default true)
  • matterbridge_player_events.report_leave (default true)
  • matterbridge_player_events.report_cheats (default false) (Use with caution: this can cause lag because there are lots of false positives which are rapidly fired)



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