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How do I install this?

The Support will maybe in future continued Adds new blocks, items and tools from aliens. A new time begins.

  • Scripts are by debiankaios and LRV
  • textures are by 5% debiankaios and 95% Bambusmann
  • Thanks for the help from all people.

You can find alien_diamond and alien_mese under height -2048. The alien spawn under height -4096.


  • Alpha 0.6 05.12.2020 The first version!
  • Alpha 0.7 05.21.2020 Fixes,new crafting reciptes, alienapple work, new block!
  • Alpha 0.8 06.12.2020 Armor , You can using alien_ingots for fuel!
  • Alpha 0.9 06.12.2020 It add the alien, improves the alien apple and adds a new op_alien apple, add the alien_postlight
  • Alpha 0.10 10.01.2021 Biome, changed mod.conf, alienbench to make alien apples



Do you recommend this mod?

  • great armor

    I really liked this armor, I love the green color, the jump and speed , the mod is very good, weapons, blocks, enjoy it a lot, congratulations 😁


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