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How do I install this?

Tools for creative mode. These tools can only be used in creative mode, and the lwcreative_tools privilege is required. This privilege is automatically granted to admins and singleplayer.

The tools that require a reference item use the item to the left of the tool in the player's inventory in the operation. If the slot is blank then air is used (nodes are just removed).

The stack size of the tool is the length/radius limit for the tool:

  • Left click to increase the length/radius by 1.
  • Left click + aux to decrease the length/radius by 1.
  • Left click + sneak to increase the length/radius by 10.
  • Left click + sneak + aux to decrease the length/radius by 10.

Use the tool by right clicking.

The chat command lwctundo can be used to undo the tool's actions. Undo actions are remembered per player.


  • Linear Fill - Linear fill empty spaces.
  • Linear Replace - Linear replace nodes.
  • Linear Substitute - Linear substitute one type of node for another.
  • Area Fill - Area fill empty spaces.
  • Area Replace - Area replace nodes.
  • Area Substitute - Area substitute one type of node for another.
  • Copy Cube - Copy a cubic section of nodes to the clipboard.
  • Copy - Copy selected section to the clipboard.
  • Paste Fill - Paste the contents of the clipboard to only empty spaces.
  • Paste Replace - Paste the contents of the clipboard.
  • Buffer - Externally copy out or paste in the copy buffer.
  • Save - Saves the clipboard to a file.
  • Load - Loads the clipboard from a file (created with Save).
  • Measure - Measures distance and angle from a reference node.

Each player has their own clipboard and saves.

See readme.txt for more details.



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