
The Xeno-Zapper is an electroshock self-defense weapon used in self-defense against hostile alien fauna within melee range.

Player vs Environment (PvE) Survival Tools / Weapons / Armor

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How do I install this?

"Cattle prod but for alien cattle." -Warr1024


The Xeno-Zapper is an electroshock self-defense weapon used in self-defense against hostile alien fauna within close melee range.

Xeno-Basher (After version 0.9.1)

The Xeno-Basher is an improved version of the Zapper used for extended melee range. It deals much more damage, but is more expensive to make.

What are these weapons?

These weapons are remakes of the Xeno-Zapper and Xeno-Basher from the game Satisfactory. I thought that they would be fun to recreate, so I did so.

Information about the original weapons can be found on the Satisfactory wiki: https://satisfactory.fandom.com/wiki/Xeno-Zapper https://satisfactory.fandom.com/wiki/Xeno-Basher



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