Minetest Engine Stats

Get some basic stats of MT Engine. (must >= ver5.8)

Work in Progress

Download (47 KB)
For Minetest 5.8 and above

How do I install this?

MTEngine Stats (Local Testing)

A simple mod to get some basic stats of Minetest Engine. (must >= ver5.8)

STG: Simple Town Game.

Important Notice

This simple mod is used for testing by mtvisitor since 2023.12.12.

This simple mod support minetest_game before simpletown_game is ready.

New feature will be added in the future based on new requirement.

MTG: Minetest Game.
MTE: Minetest Engine.


  • Downloaded the latest compressed file(*.zip) from contentdb website.
  • Decompressed the file under <worlds/some-mtworld/worldmods>
  • Start the minetest application and play in some-mtworld.

Enjoy! 🤝

Done Tasks

Mod Simple Features:
- config.lua is used to get and set settings.
- common.lua defined some common functions, such as log output, get ostime.
- function version_to_number() was copied from baidu.com (ai answer).
- get minetest engine basic stats by using /mtengine_stats command.
- this only support minetest engine version 5.8 or above.

CHANGELOG.md was included in this mod package.

ToDo Tasks

  • Update more MTEngine Stats data.
  • Change stats display form Layout.
  • Save the Stats data in a local file.

Game Support

The following games are supported:

  • Minetest Game


For questions, requests, and other communications regarding this work, you can
contact the original creator at crane_zhou@163.com

If there are some license issues, please also let the author(mtvisitor) know.

This Project is released under the terms of the zlib license.
See LICENSE.md in the mod package for more information or see:

Mod MTEngine_stats is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
A copy of this license should be bundled with this work, if one was not
provided then you can find the license here



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