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For Minetest 5.7 and above

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some useful debugging utilities (mostly commands).


  • /attach <target1> to <target2>

    attaches two objects, which might be a player name or an entity name (a random entity of that type is chosen)

  • /detach <target>

    detaches the target from its parent.

  • /count_objects

    prints counts of all types of objects currently active. example output:

  __builtin:item = 25
  3d_armor_stand:armor_entity = 38
  anvil:item = 81
  digilines_lcd:text = 4
  digistuff:controller_entity = 2
  gauges:hp_bar = 22
  itemframes:item = 1651
  itemshelf:item = 69
  mobs_mime:mime = 14
  mobs_monster:oerkki = 6
  nether_mobs:netherman = 1
  ontime_clocks:display = 7
  petz:bat = 15
  petz:beaver = 1
  petz:bunny = 3
  petz:butterfly = 4
  petz:calf = 1
  petz:foxy = 1
  petz:frog = 1
  petz:goat = 3
  petz:kitty = 5
  petz:leopard = 1
  petz:lion = 1
  petz:moth = 4
  petz:panda = 1
  petz:pigeon = 1
  petz:pony = 1
  petz:rat = 1
  petz:silkworm = 1
  petz:squirrel = 3
  petz:tarantula = 6
  petz:wolf = 5
  * petz total * = 59
  pipeworks:tubed_item = 38
  signs:display_text = 791
  signs_lib:text = 274
  smartshop:quad_upright_sprite = 60
  smartshop:single_sprite = 5
  smartshop:single_upright_sprite = 26
  smartshop:single_wielditem = 11
  * smartshop total * = 102
  water_life:croc = 4
  xdecor:book_open = 51
  xp_redo:aura = 1
  yl_arena:none = 1
  yl_nether_mobs:blaze = 1
  yl_nether_mobs:iron_golem = 2
  yl_nether_mobs:rat = 6
  yl_nether_mobs:whip = 13
  yl_nether_mobs:wither = 3
  * yl_nether_mobs total * = 25
  yl_speak_up:human = 9
  yl_speak_up:npc = 2
  * yl_speak_up total * = 11
  total = 3277
  • /entity_lag_log_toggle

    starts (or stops) a log of how much time entities are spending doing their on_step callback. example output:

  2022-09-03 16:03:51: petz:foxy @ (-2833,71,2327)'s on_step took 424138 us
  2022-09-03 16:03:51: petz:leopard @ (-297,48,854)'s on_step took 371364 us
  2022-09-03 16:03:52: petz:snow_leopard @ (-2811,74,2283)'s on_step took 377283 us
  • //grep_nodes <limit> <pattern>

    requires either worldedit or areas mod. allows you to search for nodes whose name matches <pattern> between either areas positions (area_pos1, area_pos2) or worldedit positions (/1, /2). searching a large area is broken up into discrete steps, so as not to cause a single huge lag spike. locations of nodes will be sent to the player who executed the command in in-game chat

  //grep_nodes 5 pipeworks
  broke job into 1 chunks, took 0.009692s
  pipeworks:nodebreaker_off @ (-538,23,-274)
  pipeworks:deployer_off @ (-535,23,-274)
  • /instrument_mod <global_name>

    recursively finds all functions inside a lua table available as <global_name>, and records information about how often they are executed, and how long they take to run. most mods use their own name as the global value. run the command again to turn the logging off. output is to debug.txt. example output:

  22:04:06: in 4.4160022735596s,
  22:04:06: kitz.actfunc was called 9 times, used 224 us
  22:04:06: kitz.animate was called 17 times, used 45 us
  22:04:06: kitz.clear_queue_low was called 2 times, used 0 us
  22:04:06: kitz.exists was called 4977398 times, used 1192386 us
  22:04:06: kitz.get_box_height was called 66 times, used 642 us
  22:04:06: kitz.get_closest_entity was called 21 times, used 4062036 us
  • /memory

    get lua's current memory usage (doesn't include memory managed by the c++ parts of the engine)

  • /memory_toggle

    reports on the server's memory usage periodically.

  • /rectify

    sets pitch (look_vertical) to 0 and yaw (look_horizontal) to 0.

  • /remove_entities <entity_name>

    remove all currently active entities w/ the given name. does not affect unloaded entities.

  • /whatisthis

    get the full itemstring of wielded item.

  • //rollback_check [<seconds>] [<limit_per_node>] [<player>] [<node>]

    • note: the double slash - this does not override the builtin rollback_check command
    • note: requires the same privilege(s) as rollback_check.
    • note: defaults: <seconds> = 1 year; limit_per_node = 5; player = .*; node = .*

    checks a region defined via worldedit (/1, /2) or areas (area_pos1, area_pos2).

  • //rollback <seconds> <player>

    • note: the double slash - this does not override the builtin rollback command
    • note: requires the same privilege(s) as rollback.

    requires both arguments. reverts all changes by player in the region to what was there before the earliest change after <seconds> seconds ago.

  • /clone_wielded [<count>]

    makes extras of the item the player is wielded. for tools, the default is 1 (added to the players inventory), for non-tools, the default is the item's stack max size. exceeding the stack size is possible, up to 65535



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