
player monoid for controlling the look and abilities of the player's hand.

API / Library

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For Minetest 5.7 and above

How do I install this?


player monoid for controlling the look and abilities of the player's hand.

API usage:

  • hand_monoid.monoid:add_change(player, { groupcaps = {crumbly = {times={[2]=3.00, [3]=0.70}, uses=0, maxlevel=1}} }, change_id) override group capabilities
  • hand_monoid.monoid:add_change(player, {groupcaps = {[group] = {}}}, change_id) remove group's capabilites
  • hand_monoid.monoid:add_change(player, {name = hand}, change_id) change the hand item (allows e.g. creating new hand looks e.g. skinsdb)



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