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filter++ lib

filter++ lib is a blazingly fast library for filtering strings for swear words. nothing less, nothing more in the worst case its 100X faster than other libraries, and sometimes its 10000X faster

keep it simple stupid

filter++ lib provides a sane default blacklist

filter++ lib is just a library check out filter++ proper or lush to see it implemented in the chat

Bypass protection

filter++ lib will filter out messages that try to bypass with look alike letters. for example: assuming "wonky" is a swear word, the following combinations will be correctly filtered

  • wonky
  • w o n k y
  • woooonky
  • w00nky
  • w〇〇N𝕜𝕐


the complete API is in the repository's file

here is a quick rundown

-- add word wonky to the blacklist

-- the blacklist needs to be reinitialized

local is_violating, bad_words = filterpp_lib.filter_text("wonky WOOOONKY")
-- is_violating - equals true because the word "wonky" is blacklisted
-- bad_words equals to
-- {
--   {1, 5}, -- first violating word, start and end position
--   {7, 14} -- second violating word, starts and end position
-- }

-- register a callback for when players swear
filterpp_lib.register_on_violation(function(name, message, bad_words)
    -- bad_words has the same format as the return value of filter_text()
    minetest.send_chat_player(name, string.format("you cant swear, you swore %d times", #bad_words))

-- you should report a violation when you filter text and find any violations
if is_violating then
    filterpp_lib.report_violation("singleplayer", "wonky WOOOONKY", bad_words)

you can look at filter++ source code for example of usage


filter++ lib adds the manage_filter command

manage_filters add <word> | remove <word> | list | return_to_default

the filter++ privilege is needed to run the command

the return_to_default option resets the blacklist to the default blacklist

Comparison with other filtering mods

sofar's filter mod

  • filter++ lib dosent add unrelated commands for moderation (kicking/muting)
  • filter++ lib dosent add default punishment
  • filter++ lib dosent register any callbacks for minetest.register_on_chat_messages
  • filter++ lib provides a default blacklist which makes it unusable if you want to use it as a filtering library if you want to use that callback too
  • filter++ lib is order of magnitudes faster

monk filterplus mod

  • filter++ lib dosent add unrelated commands for moderation (kicking/muting)
  • filter++ lib dosent register any callbacks for minetest.register_on_chat_messages which makes it unusable if you want to use it as a filtering library if you want to use that callback too
  • filter++ lib is order of magnitudes faster
  • filter++ lib prevents bypassing with lookalike unicode characters
  • filter++ lib's default blacklist only has english profanities, and is slightly bigger overall
  • filter++ lib provides a complete and documented API
  • filter++ lib will never give you snarky insults


all benchmarks user filterplus's default blacklist

filter++ lib no UTF-8 filter++ filterplus filter
check a 170 letter sentence once 0,01ms 0,005ms 1ms 20ms
check word "wanker" 10000 times 0,06ms 0,9ms 500ms 500ms
check 100 character long message 10000 times 0,2ms 13ms 147889ms (25m) 96 431ms (16m)

graphs are included in the screenshots


during the longer benchmarks i was doing things in the background, but i think the overall message remains

the 170 letter sentence used is: "i just joined this server and i don't know why you knob heads are so mean to me. i just tried to relax for a day but you guys are screaming at me all the time, get a life."

the 100 character long message was just "A" repeated 100 times

all tests were made in development game to reduce the noise

since filter and filterplus don't support UTF-8, i also ran benchmarks without it for filter<ins> to show how much faster it is when it does comparable things. the UTF-8 version is slightly faster in the first benchmark because the no UTF-8 filter</ins> uses older and slower version

filter<ins> lib can achieve this time by cleverly arranging its data so checking a word takes O(word_length), unlike filter and filterplus that do it by having a huge list of lua patterns to check in O(word_length * registered_patterns). the downside is that filter</ins> lib uses more memory than filter (though not more than filterplus, because i don't load a 6MB whitelist)


  • desojevic - blacklist that the default blacklist is based on
  • monk - "encouragement"
  • Me - i wrote the thing



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