Generic Inoffensive Flags

Adds generic flags that come in multiple basic colors.


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How do I install this?

Generic Inoffensive Flags

This is a mod that adds generic flags in multiple different colors.

In addition, it uses a flexible and extendable design with an api to easily add more flags and disable the default ones.

Crafting the Items:

Make a flagpole using the following recipe, where s is steel. (requires the default mod).

┏  ┳  ┳  ┓
┣  ╋  ╋  ┫
┣  ╋  ╋  ┫
┗  ┻  ┻  ┛

Make a flag using the following recipe, where w is wool.

┏  ┳  ┳  ┓
   w   w   w
┣  ╋  ╋  ┫
   w   w   w
┣  ╋  ╋  ┫

┗  ┻  ┻  ┛

When you place the flag, left click to cycle through all of the colors.


The original concept and code was created by Wuzzy and Sorcerykid.



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