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2012-11-01 Search the creative inventory by Jeija [creative] 2013-11-21 Better Creative Inventory by minermoder27 [creativeinv] 2012-07-03 Creative Inventory by ashenk69 [creative_inventory] 2015-04-25 Inventory Enhanced by indriApollo [inventory_enhanced] 2013-06-08 Inventory++ by Zeg9 [inventory_plus] 2012-09-17 Inventory Plus by cornernote [inventory_plus] 2012-11-27 Inventory Plus by [inventory_plus] 2015-06-03 see/take from players inventory by AiTechEye [invhack] 2013-04-21 Inventory Tweaks by BlockMen [invtweak] 2016-10-06 Light color of inventory by amadin 2019-07-22 Duane's Inventory by duane [WIP] [dinv] 2019-01-12 Cycle through inventory rows by taikedz [WIP] [inventory_cycler] 2016-05-24 Circular saw in inventory by cheapie [WIP] [invsaw] 2016-01-10 MoreInventorys by erwin.maximilian [WIP] [moreinventorys] 2016-12-30 Sfinv Unified Inventory by rubenwardy [WIP] [unified_inventory] 2017-08-23 Inventory??? by GamingAssociation39 [WIP] 2015-12-13 Inventory Death Drop: Drops the player inventory on death. by BobbyBonsaimind [WIP] 2017-01-01 Inventory Management by Sirvoid [WIP] 2020-10-22 Inventory Scanner (mesecons) by johalun [WIP] 2016-06-30 MKOMBAT SKINS UNIFIED INVENTORY by ParaklataChotou [WIP] 2017-07-09 Player Inventory by Napiophelios [WIP] 2016-05-05 Store nodes with no inventory by Nathan.S [WIP]