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Make your lava plop!

Supported games

The following subgames are explicitly supported:

  • devtest
  • Minetest Game (MTG)
  • Minetest Classic
  • Hades Revisited (and also Hades I guess)
  • mineclone like games (VoxeLibre, Mineclonia)

More can be added easily, see game_support.lua. PRs welcome!

Mods can also use the API (see below) to make their own nodes plop.


To register your node as a plopper (ploppers are nodes that plop), add the following to your node definition:

groups = {..., lavaplop_plopper = 1}, -- (unused yet, but good to have anyways)
_lavaplop = {
    plopper = {
        -- the plop sound.
        -- if `nil`, the provided sound will be used
        sound = SimpleSoundSpec,


There are several settings, please consult the mainmenu.

If you're a layman, please note that if you crank up the settings too much, and the game seems to still be responsive, the server thread might already be overloaded, ruining your playing experience in other ways. Check your max_lag value in /status. If you're not a layman, uncomment the line print_perf() line.

Implementation details

The mod does not use abms or node timers. Instead, it randomly picks nodes around the players on each globalstep, and checks if the node is relevant. The main reason why I made this mod is because I wanted to try out how good this works.

The result are, roughly, on average, with default settings if not mentioned otherwise, for a single player in singleplayer (60Hz (17 ms) server steps):

`check_radius` | number of checks (s^-1) | time used per step (ms)
10             | 64                      | 0.05
20 (default)   | 780                     | 0.09
30             | 2900                    | 0.15

Sounds sources

The sounds were generated using sfxr. The parameters for the sounds can be found in sounds_src/. They were exported on a machine where sizeof(int)=4, sizeof(float)=4, and sizeof(bool)=1.


The project uses REUSE.



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