
Adds straight and diagonal banisters for stairs railings.

Building Decorative

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How do I install this?

Adds straight and diagonal banisters for stairs railings.

This mod is a fork of Felfa's banisters mod.

How can I craft them?

You can craft normal banisters simply by using this recipe:

[M] [M] [M]
[S] [ ] [S]
[ ] [ ] [ ]

Or you can craft a (little) more fancy one using this recipe:

[M] [M] [M]
[S] [S] [S]
[ ] [ ] [ ]

Where "M" is the material you want to use (wood, stone, etc) and "S" is default:stick.

How to use them?

You can place them diagonally by pointing to a side of a stair or slope while facing slightly left or right. If you want to put a horizontal banister, just put it looking straight ahead to a wall or over the ground.



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