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Player Settings

Allow every players to have their own settings screen and tweak their own settings. Type /settings to open the settings GUI.

Settings in minetest.conf

  • player_settings_register_example (bool): Register example settings
  • Default: false
  • If enabled, register setting examples.
  • This is always set to true in singleplayer mode regardless of the settings.


Register Settings

  • player_settings.register_metacategory(name, def): Register a settings meta category
  • name: The ID of the meta category
  • def: a meta category definition table
  • player_settings.register_category(name, def): Register a settings category
  • name: The ID of the category
  • def: a category definition table
  • player_settings.register_setting(name, def): Register a setting
  • name: The ID of the setting
  • def: a setting definition table
  • player_settings.unregister_metacategory(name): Unregister a metacategory by its name
  • player_settings.unregister_category(name): Unregister a category by its name
  • player_settings.unregister_setting(name): Unregister a setting by its name

Interact with Settings

  • player_settings.register_on_settings_set(name,key,old_value,new_value): Register callacks on settings set
  • name: Name of a player
  • key: The ID of the setting
  • old_value: The value being replaced
  • new_value: The current setting value
  • Not recommended. To monitor individual settings, set after_change in the setting definition table.
  • player_settings.set_setting(name,key,value): Set the value of a setting for a player
  • name: Name or ObjectRef of a player
  • key: The ID of the setting
  • value: The value to be set to the setting
  • Return boolean indicating success
    • after_change and player_settings.register_on_settings_set callbacks are called
  • If failed, the second returned value may be one of the following:
    • PLAYER_NOT_EXIST: The player's auth data does not exist
    • KEY_NOT_EXIST: The setting does not exist
    • TYPE_CONVERT_FAILED: The given value cannot be converted to the type specified in the setting definition
    • NUMBER_TOO_SMALL and NUMBER_TOO_LARGE (number only): The given value is below or higher than the required range set in the setting definition
    • SETTING_ENUM_TYPE_INVALID (enum only): The type of enum values set in the settings is invalid
    • SETTING_VALUE_NOT_IN_ENUM (enum only): The given value is not in the list of allowed options set in the setting definition
    • SETTING_TYPE_INVALID: The type of the setting specified in the definition is invalid
  • player_settings.set_default(name,key): Set the value of a settings back to its default for a player
  • name: Name or ObjectRef of a player
  • key: The ID of the setting
  • Return boolean indicating success
    • after_change and player_settings.register_on_settings_set callbacks are called
  • If failed, the second returned value may be one of the following:
    • PLAYER_NOT_EXIST: The player's auth data does not exist
    • KEY_NOT_EXIST: The setting does not exist
  • player_settings.get_setting(name,key): Get the value of a setting from a player
  • name: Name or ObjectRef of a player
  • key: The ID of the setting
  • Return boolean indicating success
  • If success, the second returned value is the setting value
  • If failed, the second returned value may be one of the following:
    • PLAYER_NOT_EXIST: The player's auth data does not exist
    • KEY_NOT_EXIST: The setting does not exist


These functions are for internal uses. Avoid using them in your code.

  • player_settings.get_settings_path(name): Get the file path of the setting file of a player
  • name: Name of the player
  • player_settings.get_settings(name): Get the table of settings of a player
  • name: Name or ObjectRef of a player
  • player_settings.write_settings(name,tb): Write a setting table to the setting file of a player
  • name: Name or ObjectRef of a player
  • tb: Key-value pair of player settings
  • player_settings.erase_settings(name): Erase all the settings of a player
  • WARNING: This is irreversable!
  • name: Name or ObjectRef of a player
  • player_settings.save_all_settings(): Save all in-cache changes to settings


These are the read-only variables.

Definition tables


Used by player_settings.register_metacategory.

    title = "",
    -- Display title of the metacategory.

    allow_show = function(player) return true end,
    -- Determine if the metacategory should be shown to the player.
    -- If returned false, all its child will be hidden.


Used by player_settings.register_category.

    title = "",
    -- Display title of the category.

    metacategory = "general",
    -- The ID of the metacategory.

    allow_show = function(player) return true end,
    -- Determine if the category should be shown to the player.
    -- If returned false, all its child will be hidden.


Used by player_settings.register_setting.

    description = "",
    -- Short description of the setting. It should be as short and as simple as possible.

    long_description = ""
    -- Long description of the setting.

    type = "int" / "string" / "bool" / "float" / "enum",
    -- Type of the setting.

    default = "",
    -- Default value of the setting.

    number_min = math.min,
    number_max = math.huge,
    -- Only applies when type == "int" / "float".
    -- The lowest and the highest value of the setting.

    enum_type = "int" / "string" / "float",
    -- Only applies when type == "enum".
    -- The type of the choices.

    enum_choices = ["1", "2", ...]
    -- Only applies when type == "enum".
    -- All the avaliable choices.

    display_type = "string" / "enum" / "bool",
    -- How the setting is displayed in the GUI.
    -- string: For all data types (default of int, float and string)
    -- enum: for enum only
    -- bool: for bool only

    validator = function(name, key, value) end,
    -- Validates the input before it is being stored.
    -- `name` is the player's name.
    -- `key` is the ID of the setting.
    -- `value` is the value of the setting to be modified.
    -- Should return either `true` or a error message.

    after_change = function(name, key, old_value, new_value) end,
    -- Function triggered after a player had successfully modified one setting.
    -- `name` is the player's name.
    -- `key` is the ID of the setting.
    -- `old_value` is the value of the setting before modifications.
    -- `new_value` is the value of the setting after modifications.

    category = "general",
    -- The ID of the category.

    allow_show = function(name) return true end,
    -- Determine if the setting should be shown to the player.
    -- If returned false, it will be hidden.



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