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For Minetest 5.0 and above

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minetest mod Simple Skins

Mod for skin appereance change of your player in a nice tab of your inventory


Simple Skins is a mod that's so easy to use you'll wonder why it hasn't been done before... Just download and start to use it in your inventory.

Must be named simple_skins and uses SfInv or Inventory Plus mods, and Unified Inventory if you use lasted original (master branch) version when available to allow players to select a skin/texture from the list.

Original forum

Technical Information

This mod its more basic and minimalis, no preview and no download/upload, management, it target is to be light for huge servers and be minimal for better performance.

Based on Zeg9's Skins mod originally from and with some help from PilzAdam. Also implements some minimal features backported from SkinDB like preview (disabled by default). The preview is autogenerated (2d), unless others mods.


You can clone this repository in your minetest mods directory or in your game.


  • default
  • sfinv (optional, autodetected)
  • player_api (newer version only)
  • inventory_plus (optional, autodetected)
  • unified_inventory (optional, autodetected)

Skin management

You can download a skin from skin database, set a new skin converted from others boxel games or create it from scrat.

  • Download a mt-skin It uses skins from Addi's MT-Skin-DB skin database, currently at
  • Download a mc-skind Uses minecraft 1.7 skins, for 1.8+ will need newer 5.X mt, and some images must crop it from 64x64 to 64x32.

To download a skin mt made or mc ones, just: 1. go to the web page skin, and download it, will get you a png file, 2. put into the textures directory and rename it accordingly e.g character_2.png 3. pop into the meta directory and make a new character_2.txt empty file 4. fill the txt file with as described in Structure and formats

If you use the skindb download tool, that already generates all the necessary files, with the requested names and formats.

Structure and formats

Each skin is made up of at least two files, a png file and a txt file, the "png file" is placed in the textures directory and the "txt file" in the meta directory.

the format of the txt file is:

. name = "Skin Name", author = "author that make the skin", .

Change log:

Change log:

  • 1.0 - Added skin_limit setting to limit skins loaded, sanitized skin description
  • 0.9 - Added Unified Inventory support (thanks Opvolger)
  • 0.8 - Added player model preview when viewing formspec (Minetest 5.4 dev only)
  • 0.7 - Add some error checks, improve /setskin and tweak & tidy code
  • 0.6 - Updated to use Minetest 0.4.16 functions
  • 0.5 - Added compatibility with default sfinv inventory, disabled /skin command for now
  • 0.4 - Added /skin command to set player skin, no longer dependent on Inventory+, also /setskin command for server admin to set custom skins for player.
  • 0.3 - Now works with Minetest 0.4.10+
  • 0.2 - Added 3D_Armor mod compatibility
  • 0.1 - Added addi's changes to highlight selected skin on list (thanks)
  • 0.0 - Initial release



Do you recommend this mod?

  • Starting from page 48

    and name Sabrina D 'till page 54(Unidentified Czech Female Reactor (Non-Blonde Form)) there are skins without faces. Need to manually edit png's, delete white squares to make them transparent to return their heads.


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