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For Minetest 5.4 and above

How do I install this?

Minetest 5.4 mod: PA28

The PA28

First: update the Airutils mod.

This is an implementarion to minetest of the Piper PA28. It is far from the real plane, as it is adapted to a minetest scale and behaviour. It was inspired on brazilian version of it, the EMB-712 Tupi. In order to fly, it is necessary to first supply the airplane with biofuel. Then with a bottle or gallon selected, punch it against the airplane. You can use 10 bottles them to fill the tank. See the fuel gauge on the airplane panel (right below, with a green F). To embark, click with the right button. While the machine is off, it is possible to move it using the sneak and jump keys (shift an space). W ans S controls the pitch (elevator). Right and Left (A and D) controls the yaw (rudder and ailerons).

Then to fly, start the engine accessing the internal menu (right click). Press jump (space) to increase the engine power (check the panel for the indicator marked with a P). Adjust to the maximum. Pull the elevator control (S) when it have the speed to lift.

During the cruise flight, it is ideal to keep the power setting below the red range, to control fuel consumption. Use the climb indicator to stabilize altitude, as at high altitudes you lose sustentation and you spend more fuel.

The altimeter was adapted too for a minetest range, so instead an altimeter divided by 1000 feets, it is divided in 100ft only

For landing, just lower the power and stabilize the airplane. Pay attention at air speed indicator, keeping it at green range, otherwise you will stall. It is recommended to use the flap during landing, but it should only be engaged when the speed is at the initial limit of the green range, as it will automatically retract if the speed exceeds too much.

Care must be taken with impacts, as it causes damage to the aircraft and the pilot, so training landings is essential.

To brake the aircraft, use the sneak (shift) key until it comes to a complete stop. Do not stop the engine before this, or it will reverse when it stops

To repair damages, you can use the repair tool. It subtracts steel ingots to increase airplane hp.

It can be painted using dye of any color you want, you must punch the airplane with the dye. It is possible to paint it using the automobiles or the bike painter if it is installed

You can use biofuel mod made by Lokrates, but here I have another biofuel mod:

The limitations: because the lack in functions to roll the camera, and the rudder acting together the ailerons, the airplane is unable to do a tuneau, barrel roll, loopings and any kind of aerobatics maneuvers.

Controls overview:

  • Right click: enter in/get off plane

  • Left click (with biofuel): add fuel to plane

  • Right click and Sneak: enter in flight instructor mode (limited vision, so use debug info)

  • Aux1 + Sneak: flaps

  • Jump: Increase power, forward on ground

  • Sneak: Decrease power, brake on ground

  • Backward: go up flying - nose up

  • Forward: go down flying - nose down

  • Left/right: Turn to left/right, work on and out ground.

  • Left + Right: center all commands

  • Sneak + Jump: autopilot

  • Aux1 + Jump: pass the control to copilot

  • Up + Down: enable/disable HUD

**Chat Commands: **

/pa28_eject - ejects from the vehicle

/pa28_manual - shows the manual

License of source code: LGPL v3 (see file LICENSE)

License of media (textures and sounds): CC0



Do you recommend this mod?

  • Super fun, agile plane

    It was very fun to fly, we flew in formation for a while - with 3 PA28s and a Ju52. Screenshot

    I'd love to see this used in a dogfight / aerial combat game.

    It took me a while to work out how to fill up the thing - you need to do it from outside and hit a particular part, I guess because of the shape of the collision/selection box.

    I'd like there to be support for nose dives and barrel rolls. It's quite hard currently to pitch forwards

    The attachment is quite jittery, it's consistently jittery like the position is being manually controlled and not interpolated properly. Probably an engine problem

    The third-person mode eye offset should be further back to see more of the plane

  • very good mod

    great to drive, gps works very well,

  • Basically the Ultra Cub

    I'm calling it that because it's basically a better super cub; it has flaps, co-pilot and even a compass that you can set to point to any location!

    So, if you're aiming to get a good craftable non-hidro plane, this is it.

  • Well-featured airplane mod

    This mod provides the most features so far in an airplane mod. The altimeter and compass are very helpful additions especially, really help with long flights. Learning to fly this plane is quite hard, so it is best to start with one of APercy's other amazing airplane mods, but once you learn the basic features you can start doing some cool things with this one.

    Something that would help in piloting though is a keybind for starting the engine and some other things in the formspec, so you don't have to right-click every time.

  • Explore mod

    Like all other APercy mod this is really cool, I like the model of the plane, it's so beautiful. The formspec instead of key combinaisons is very cool, it offers more possibility. Just a problem because I can't access to the plane stockage with Aux1 defined with a letter, but I can with Ctrl. But the lag is lesser than other planes, so a big improvement in this way, also the new panel is good, and I love the new features like flaps or lights.

    So install this mod.


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