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WARNING: disable view bobbing. Due to engine limitations view bobbing breaks the aiming and it looks weird and makes it harder to aim while moving.
WARNING: this is not a mod, this is a library, for gun mod(s) see below
ATTENTION: the API is currently mostly undocumented due some issues surrounding documenting classes

A library/framework which allows the addition of 3d guns! Called 4dguns as it is the successor to the 3dguns project. It intends to be game agnostic.

gun mods: guns4d_pack_1

This library's features include:


  • 3d guns (duh)
  • Rotation around player's view for recoil, sway, breathing and walking
  • Rotation of the gun itself for (the above)
  • player and gun animations
  • Aim down sights
  • Pellet spread
  • Highly in depth wallbanging system (work in progress)
  • In depth ballistics system (work in progress, mod support needed)
  • High quality bullet passing sound effects
  • Weapon firemodes
  • Highly modular API which allows for modification of virtually every component in a gun

future features include:

  • gun modifications
  • support for stamina
  • actual documentation


  • shift+zoom: change firemode (if applicable)
  • zoom: unload/load (you can choose to hold this if you'd like aswell)
  • left click: fire
  • right click: aim

Make an issue if you wish to request support for other mods.



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