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Sway is an experimental beyond-next-gen inventory for minetest.

busted luacheck Coverage Status versioned: semantically image badge containing latest version number

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Much like SFINV, this mod is a "A cleaner, simpler solution to having an advanced inventory in Minetest." It's intended to be an excellent modding base.

Sway uses Flow formspecs for rendering. With Sway, formspec size is no longer a limit to your UI or UX. You can have fully dynamic layouts too!

Lots of changes are underway! The API is not stable yet.

Target audience is server owners and mod developers. Sway Inv is intended as the core component of a larger, more complete inventory mod. On my Github I have multiple such addons to make sway actually usable, but they are pre-beta phase and are by far not ready for actual use yet.


  • So simple that it doesn't depend on any games in particular.
  • Rich API.
  • Flow forms instead of ridgid and difficult to harden formspec strings


See the FAQ section of the README on GitHub.


  • SFINV Sway is a fork of SFINV by rubenwardy.
  • Flow Sway uses flow to render formspecs.
  • Readme (and this trimmed version of the readme) generated in part by
  • i3 Source of inspiration and some (very small amounts) of properly attributed, licence compatible code.
  • Larry Gelberg The Sway Inv ascii art was generated via echo "Sway Inv." | figlet -f larry3d. larry3d font is from the official figlet "contributed" collection. pepper from the same collection was a close 2nd.


Code: MIT (a copy is bundled at ./CODE_LICENSE.txt)

  • sway_crafting_arrow.png - renamed from a texture by paramat, derived from a texture by BlockMen (CC BY-SA 3.0).
  • sway_hb_bg.png - renamed from gui_hb_bg.png, a texture by BlockMen (CC BY-SA 3.0)
  • sway_bg_full.png - renamed from i3_bg_full.png, a texture by paramat (CC BY-SA 3.0)

For a copy of CC BY-SA 3.0 see ./MEDIA_LICENSE.txt (bundled).



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