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Mese Trains

Some more modern trains for the advtrains mod.
Currently the modpack includes only one new train, the MeseJet, which is based on the Japanese train from moretrains but with modified textures, a different horn sound and line display support.


MeseJet: Line numbers from 1 to 9 will be displayed on the outside as well as on the inside of the train, differing in color.


License Notice
License of textures and models: CC-BY-SA 3.0 (unless stated otherwise)
License of sounds: CC-0 1.0 (unless stated otherwise)
License of code: LGPL 2.1-only (unless stated otherwise)

see README file



Do you recommend this mod?

  • Innovation at its finest

    Just like the intercity 125 took the UK by storm, bringing the whole country together, the Mesejet took Minetest by storm.

    I have already hacked it to reach the full 50 m/s i want it to, so it connects a few lines very well, making the server easier to navigate and control, and the mesejet is elegant in providing that role. Luxorious and elegant in its nature, it uses its sleek body and dark finish to maintain its speed and zip down the line without so much as a gentle, exceited, screech from the track.

    It is so fast and extreme it can zip down the track and blow away all the teenage hooligans messing about on the edge of the platform, helping cleanse the server and bring it to peace.

    It provides an extreme step-up from the Japanese train which was a step-up from the Basic_trains Japanese Train, bringing back its throne on the server as the fastest train.

  • Sleek, luxurious, and modern!

    This is a nice step up from the Moretrains Japanese Train; though it's the same model, the MeseJet has a much more refined feel. The subdued colors in the interior, combined with the dark gray/yellow contrast, make this train much more luxurious. The tinted windows are a nice touch! I also like the line number displays on the interior.

    The only minor complaints I would have are odd transparency issues; for example, when looking through the windows from the outside, the floor, seats, and some parts of the wall are missing, and I can see the tracks and wheels through them.