NodeCore ZipRunes
Warr1024Gameplay-integrated fast-travel system for NodeCore.
NodeCore Staybs API
Winter94Movement parameters for various 'staybs'
NodeCore Chess
Warr1024Chess pieces for NodeCore.
Nodecore Luxgate
Avicennia_gA simple attempt at adding craftable portals called "Luxgates" to nodecore.
NodeCore Beacons
Warr1024Long-distance navigation beacons for NodeCore
NC Reactor Meltdown
Winter94A new challenge, with serious implications...
NodeCore Force Lode
Warr1024In-game force-loading anchor for NodeCore.
NodeCore Sharks
GreenXenithHammerhead "sharks" for NodeCore
Nodecore Rabbits
LandarVarganAdds rabbit holes, rabbits, and traps to the Nodecore game
NodeCore Quicksilver
Winter94Experiment with quicksilver to discover it's various properties!
Dais Ex Machina
Warr1024An other-worldly platform to preserve some of your stuff across map resets for NodeCore
NodeCore Runestones
Winter94Play games of chance, or decorate your builds!
NodeCore PumMINE
Winter94Mineable pumice
Nodecore Fairy Chimneys
Winter94Adds geological formations called 'hoodoos' or 'fairy chimneys' to your worlds.
Avicennia_gGrassy Goldenrod plant for Nodecore
NodeCore Lignite
Winter94Adds Lignite, an ore of coal. Now outdated, please use NodeCore Coal instead. See Below.
NC Pumbob
Winter94adds carvable and sealable pumice bobbers/floaters
lizzieA minimalistic approach to enabling the game of go in nodecore.
NodeCore 1 slot mod
Fanticwormakes Nodecore 8 times harder by removing 7 slots from your inventory
Warr1024Safety net against falling off your island
Skyhell Together
KimaprPut all skyhell players on one shared island (NodeCore)
Nodeternal Darkness
Kimaprmake nodecore very dark
You Can't Touch It Either
Avicennia_gSimple mod adding lockable storage shelves to Nodecore.
NodeCore Adamant
Winter94Adds Adamant, a new metal ore, deep underground/
NC Steam
Winter94Adds new mechanics to Nodecore, such as steam power and dynamic water
NC Pebbles
Winter94adds pebbles to NodeCore in order to simplify a few logical leaps and inconsistencies.
NC Vulcan
Winter94Reworks Magma Generation in NodeCore.
NodeCore CTF
Kimapr(NOT IN DEVELOPMENT AND IS BAD - DO NOT USE) Capture The Flag for NodeCore