Extra Biomes

Adds extra biomes, while keeping its looks close to the vanilla MTG

Mapgen / Biomes / Decoration

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This is a vanilla themed mod for minetest game, designed to bring vanilla like biomes with least amount of changes to the vanilla minetest.

Several popular mods are supported - bonemeal, mobs_animal, mobs_monster, mobs_npc, mob_horse, moreblocks, flowerpot Post 1.0.0 - forgotten_monsters, animalworld, nssm

As of 1.2.0 the player can disable bamboo in Extra Biomes modmenu, either as a preference. Or if a different mod will be used for adding bamboo.

Don't use v6 mapgen, every other common mapgen is fine.


  • Deciduous forest variants - Warm and Cold Deciduous forests
  • A swamp biome on humid Cold Deciduous Forest zones near sea level.
  • Mediterranean biome.
  • Dry grasslands - Found between grasslands and deserts
  • Warm grassland - Intended as a transition biome
  • Steppes - Between Grassland and Snowy Grassland
  • Bog - Internal Swamp biome (1.1.0)
  • Humid Savanna (1.2.0)
  • Japanese Rainforest (1.2.0)
  • Jungle Savanna (1.4.0)
  • Temperate Rainforest (1.4.0)
  • Grassland and Deciduous Forest Extensions (1.4.0)



Bonemeal mod is highly recommended

There is a hurful bush in game which can only be cut with bronze or a better sword.

Bog is nasty, watch your step.

As of version 1.2.0 the player can encounter moss patches in the Japanese Rainforest. Those are useful for making mossy cobblestone. Or the player can use bonemeal to grow the occasional moss patch out of the rainforest litter there.

Bamboo patches also occur on regular rainforest. (On default)

Things lacking

Fireflies on the mods biomes(a bug on mtg end as of July 13th 2022, the code for them is in the mod)



Added setting descriptions

Implemented a setting to make quagmires generate without cranberries


Added Maple and Oak trees which are found in deciduous forest variants if extensions are enabled(default on)

Made cooking recipes with buckets have the cookable item be placed on top, instead of right

Added dyes to flowers - Credit to Skivling

Added sands with debris

Reworked reregistration so it only affects snowy grassland without touching other mods


Implemented a 'light mapgen'(decorations) toggle to reduce mapgen lag on the denser biomes



Jungle Savanna - Biome between Humid Savanna and Rainforest

Temperate Rainforest - Thick wet forest found near various Temperate forest biomes, has beech tree

Grassland and Deciduous Forest extensions that blend with nearby biomes

Color adjustments in steppes and warm grass biomes

Various tweaks and fixes


Code refactor - Biomes made before 1.2.0 release are now toggleable, closely related biomes are lumped into groups.

Cowberries can also be now disabled, disabling them will disable reregistering of decorations even if reregistering toggle is set to enabled. (Since they are the only reason for that to begin with)

Support for nssm. However nssm seems to significantly slow down mapgen, even when it's the only mod active. Therefore it's recommended only for the biggest fans of it. Support toggle can be left on, it's fine as long as nssm isn't actually loaded.

Player can now also disable buffer biomes. (Since 1.2.0 there were only two Sandstone Desert Buffer and Cold Desert Buffer)

Slight adjustments to mob spawns - e.g. Bunnies now spawn in more biomes. (When using mobs_animal)

Version 1.2.3

Typo fixes.

Uppdated grassland code with normal_grass group to match current minetest game versions.

Wilhelmines Animal World (animalworld) by liil support.

Version 1.2.2

Warm steppe underground parameters fixed, small general cleanup. Before version bump - Reeds fixed and cranberries retexture.

Version 1.2.1

Fixed ground layer in Humid Savanna.

Added settings for Humid Savanna and Japanese Rainforest.

Version 1.2.0

Added Humid Savanna and Japanese Rainforest biomes.

Bamboo - Can be turned off if need be. (Don't do this on worlds where it was on)

Filled in missing aliases.

Removed 2 biome fillers(Humid Rainforest, Humid Deiciduous Forest). Those do not add anything, they merelly fill space with a preexisting biome to prevent abnormalities.

Tweaks in arid grasslands. Colors and Cool Arid Grassland now has more grass.

Version 1.1.2

Added a setting to disable reregistering decorations, so that the mod can be made compatible with other biome mods.

Version 1.1.1

Reduced the unregisters. Previously reregister.lua unregistered all biomes, ore and decorations before reregistering them. Now it unregisters and reregisters decorations only.

Version 1.1.0 - Reworked Swamp

Swamp has 2 zones now: The external wetland - For the most part the swamp biome from before (uses the swamp name in code)

The internal zone - The Bog. Watch where You step! Has peat, which has many uses. Also most of the swamp plants have been moved there.

Version 1.0.1 - Added Forgotten Monsters support

Version 1.0.0 - Release


To remove blackberry from snowy_grassland the default mods snowy grassland biome has been reregistered. So far there is no method(dev term, look up the minetest modding wiki or doc folder in install/build minetest directory(not .minetest)) designed to remove or change a single decoration.

Fireflies are bugged outside of mtg. Tested this in Ethereal as well.



Do you recommend this mod?

  • English

    Beautiful Mod

    I love the variety of trees and plants! The wood textures and biomes are great! I like that there are many fruit bearing trees, so we get plenty of foods. As an explorer and hoarder, this appeals to my need for collecting each tree, flower, biome sand/stone/dirt, and food source.

    The only two issues I have with the mod are: 1. Doesn't play well with other biome mods nor moretrees mod. (It tends to override the generation of their plantlife.) 2. No circular saw compatibility.

    I have yet to test this mod with technic's CNC machine.

  • My favourite biomes mod

    Extra Biomes adds so much variety to the game, and sometimes I can't even tell that it isn't a default biome because the textures fit into MTG very well. And all the biomes are useful - what I mean is they aren't a waste of space, always having some extra fruits or wood in them. It is definitely in my 'Recommended Mods' list, the one I give to my friends when they start playing Minetest.

    The one thing I'd like is if doors for each new wood type would be added, it looks weird with a nice wood coloured house and then having to use the default door.

  • It's the best vanilla biomes mod

    it adds biomes that fit perfect into a Minetest world. It makes it more enjoyable, with new environments and landscapes to explore, without losing the vanilla feel of not-too-complicated biomes. I only have one question about it: Does it support Animalia mod by ElCeejo?

  • Very good mod but causes troubles with ethereal

    This is a very nice mod, it really fits minetest's biome philosophy. I had one problem tho, all the ethereal biomes are empty without decorations and i couldn't find any setting about disabling reregistering. Anyone can help me?

  • Fits in well with MTG!

    I'm quite impressed with this mod! This is a must-have for me! Unfortunately, the leaves don't seem to decay (but it might be they don't decay when placed, and I use the clump fall mod). But besides that, this is probably the best biome mod out there! :D

  • Very fine work!

    I love it. Many new and fine made biomes. They have a smooth look. Going well with the vanilla biomes. I like that. I spend hours only running around to look. Now comes the work. Filling all the new terrain nodes into the monsters spawn definition. But its worth the little amount of work to get some life into these fine biomes.

    Hope you also enjoy your creation. Good job man carry on.

    Greetings Gorm

  • Fantastic biomes that fit right into minetest_game

    I am surprised how good these biomes look w/ minetest_game, well done! This opens up numerous opportunities for adding new mobs to fit every biome (like crocodiles in the bogs, pandas in bamboo forests, etc), a lot of new exploring potential, and a lot of new crops/foods!

    A few textures don't fit into MTG too well: namely bamboo and downy birch (and maybe cranberries should have a texture more like blackcurrants, it's hard to tell whether the texture looks like berries or not). This is really just my opinion though, everything looks quite good already.

    Highly recommended, this is one of the best biome-adding mods for MTG I've seen so far!

  • Great mod of biomes \o/

    This mod is very good, it makes the minetest game richer and without deviating from the standard, and adds a lot of features... For those looking for a biome mod that will make your world more interesting, and without exaggerating, I recommend this mod.. I really liked it, it's already on my list of favorite mods, thank you very much :)

  • Great!

    A new mod for beautiful biomes with new things that made me happy. If you want to make your world more diverse and fun, then this mod is for you (:


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