Protector Redux
sorcerykidAn efficient and flexible node-based protection scheme for multiplayer worlds
Hero Mines
NeuromancerCan you rescue the miner trapped at the bottom of the mine? Creates mines that are used as levels for the game H.E.R.O.
monkOverride tool functionality during runtime
Lock Workshop
LRVThis mod removes the crafts for locked and shared nodes and makes them craftable in the lock workshop via their unlocked/locked counterpart and a lock.
Online Shopping
LC CreationsAllows players to buy and trade anywhere.
_XenonAdds bright stuff
Chat History
sorcerykidInteractive chat history viewer with a variety of message filtering options
player actions
GigaByteshows the actions of a player
Sticks Stones
MikeRedwoodMakes Sticks from leaves and scatters small stones
Macro Crafting Manager
sorcerykidMacro Crafting Manager provides a streamlined drag-and-drop interface for dividing and arranging item stacks within the craft-grid
TP Gate
AiTechEyeTeleport through the gate
soerenWith this new feature, you can press ordinary diamonds into industrial diamonds, effectively doubling your diamond count and maximizing your resources.
LunovoxProtection of land on payment of periodic rate.
Colored Steel
cd2Adds colored steel blocks.
MadKamel's Random Mod
MadKamelA collection of random items and ideas.
LWComponents Spawners
loosewheelRegister spawners for lwcomponents.
Rotting Wood
PolyniumCauses wood to slowly rot while exposed to water
ademantTreasure nodes with useful items
Random (Useful) stuff
pl608A library that adds well... Random Stuff
Invisible Blocks
TruemmererAdd invisible Blocks
SiresAdds some pretty OP tools :)
GoopsAllows to recycle metal tools
End Him Rightly
eklUnscrewable and throwable pommel
kyleclaassenA tool for constructing mathematical curves/surfaces/solids.
csirolliPlace bounties on players
Item exchange shop
KrockProvides a simple exchange shop (currency compatible)
DerevioAdds the ability to set shortcuts to commands.
AiTechEyeThe serverguide
Configuration Pack
X17Contains several node setting changes
Bank Accounts Receipt
Can202Receipt = TRASH
Cave explorer tool
SFENCECave explorer tool to use acoustic signals for undergound exploring.
Debugging Console
sorcerykidProvides an in-game HUD to easily monitor debug output
SXProvides API to register node metadata tools along with few useful tools
Signs Redux
sorcerykidSigns Redux is a complete rewrite of default signs that adds many new features
PyuAn API for creating kits
Chat Filter
xXNicoXxMinetest Chat Filter a simple but usefull minetest chatfilter mod made by xXNicoXx
neko259Integration with telegram messenger chat
Burnable Diamonds
Hume2Make diamonds useable as fuel
Vehicle Mash
Panquesito7Adds many types of vehicles: cars, boats, hovercrafts and more.
Warning: Non-free media.
Technic HV Extend
1F616EMOExtends technic HV to add basic machines