ROllerozxaAutomatically restarts the server after a certain uptime is reached.
Colored Steel
cd2Adds colored steel blocks.
rstcxkcensors swears in the player chat using the filter++ liberary
Server Lockdown
1F616EMOKeep non-admin players away during maintainence
Prismatic Stone
doomburgerAdds decorative prismatic stone blocks, coral dyes, and six new crafting recipes.
WuzzyGift boxes that players can give to other who will then receive random items
Player IP Log
simondanerdMod for any game which logs what users join, and records their IP address. Content saved as a txt file in the worlds directory.
Chat Visual
Itz-NoahNeed a way to distinguish between staff and players?
iarbatAdds moths which can send messages (from Lord of the Rings)
Vlf Falling Suprise
VoxelForgeA survival challenge for VoxelForge With a nasty suprise... Beware: This may grief (Or even destroy) your world
AiTechEyeThe serverguide
Agree rules
AiTechEyeAgree rules or be kicked
Smart Chat
ClydeA new, lightweight, simple and modular Chatsystem
Complete and Total Lua-Only Inventory Rewrite
NoodlemireCreates a completely custom inventory system, which doesn't rely at all on any of the usual UserData objects.
LandarVarganAdds chatcommands server staff can use for announcements
1F616EMOSend tips to newcomers
Example Lua mapgen
ROllerozxaA basic example for writing custom Lua mapgen using Perlin noise.
TarenAdds multiple engraved blocks and benches to make them.
Personal Log
FaceDeerA personal log where players can track events and places
Minetest HTTP API QoS control queue
SXImprove quality of important HTTP requests by grouping requests into service quality buckets.
Configuration Pack
X17Contains several node setting changes
mt-mods(T)OTP Verification for player accounts
Item exchange shop
KrockProvides a simple exchange shop (currency compatible)
Autograph Mod
Jo5629_Autograph Mod
IRC Commands
ShadowNinjaControl your server from IRC
AmazA mapgen with a goal, with things needed to advance to the next level.
sorcerykidAn API for validating node and item placement via a simple callback mechanism.
Zemtzov7Execute commands on behalf of another player
Interest for Unififed Money
1F616EMOGrow your assets over time
fluxionaryget info about the mods running on a server
Fareboxes and Faregates
1F616EMOSignal-emitting fareboxes and faregates
qPexLegendaryAdds local and global chat
Compression Mods Bundle
The4spaceconstantsA bundle of the mods that generate certain compressed nodes.
Alternate Gravel
soerenthe mod adds 32x32 pixels 2x alternative gravel
Warr1024Safety net against falling off your island
Bunny Hop
Flay KruneganAllows players to move faster using a key combination
NodeCore PumMINE
Winter94Mineable pumice
node entity queue
fluxionarya queue for spreading out the generation of node entities over multiple server steps (smartshops, signs, itemframes, etc).
Random (Useful) stuff
pl608A library that adds well... Random Stuff
Hades Endgame
VeproGamesAdds various goodies to Hades Revisited, focused on Late/Endgame