fluxionaryadds a node to silence nearby sounds
Smart Chat
ClydeA new, lightweight, simple and modular Chatsystem
Random Messages
1F616EMORegister random announcements
Player Mute
DiamondPlaneAllows to mute players
Face Objects
1F616EMOCalculate the facing of objects
AntumDelugeSlingshots that can throw inventory items as ammunition.
Compression API
The4spaceconstantsAn API that provides functions to procedurally register compressed versions of nodes.
Markdown Poster
ThresherAdds a markdown variant to the signs mod (from display modpack)
fluxionaryan API for controlling item properties via monoids
Steel bar blocks
sotha1adds blocks made of steel bars (xpanes)
The4spaceconstantsUses compression_api to generate compressed nodes.
Sticks Stones
MikeRedwoodMakes Sticks from leaves and scatters small stones
L-System Tree Utility
WuzzyA form to easily spawn L-system trees, aimed at mod developers.
Chat translate
ksandrAdds commands to translate chat messages into the recipient's language.
AntumDelugeAn explosive nuisance.
frogTheSecondA sandboxing library
Sun Flowers
Hybrid DogThis mod generates flowers which close their heads at night.
ByakurenA loot framework.
liquid restriction
wsor4035restricts liquid use to a privilege
Bapt-techA mod for admin to open inventories and ender chests in case of duplication (needs openinv and openec priv)
NC Reactor Meltdown
Winter94A new challenge, with serious implications...
Modding Commands
DragonWranglerAdds Hopefully helpful commands for modding
Pluggable Helpers
sorcerykidAutomated dependency management of helper functions within a distributed architecture
iarbatAdds counterfeit diamonds and other fake precious materials.
NodeCore Bells
GreenXenithGlass bells for NodeCore
FaceDeerPath marker signs for use when exploring a twisty maze of passages that are all alike.
AFCMA formspec based arena entrance type for arena_lib
Libox Controller
frogTheSecondA fork of mooncontroller made to use libox, also has QOL improvements
AmazA mapgen with a goal, with things needed to advance to the next level.
Light Tool
ExtexAdds a tool and api that creates beams of light
Protector Redux
sorcerykidAn efficient and flexible node-based protection scheme for multiplayer worlds
Debugging Console
sorcerykidProvides an in-game HUD to easily monitor debug output
fluxionaryverification and banning
neko259Integration with telegram messenger chat
bryliePolite farts and burps.
player attributes
fluxionaryAPI for defining abstract, compositional player attributes
MR_breaddzblueberry juice
Chat Games API
ImpulseAn API to build chatgames like those in the chatgames
Fix floating sands!
1F616EMOAvoid hanging sands and gravels
fluxionaryan API to allow multiple sources to apply changes to a tools's capabilities.