Mod Name "mcl_mapgen_core"
Provided By
- No packages available
VoxeLibre (formerly MineClone2)
WuzzySurvive, farm, build, explore, play with friends, and do much more. Inspired by Minecraft, pushing beyond.
ryvnfSurvival sandbox game inspired by Minecraft. Fork of MineClone2 with focus on stability, multiplayer performance and features.
Required By
MineClone2 Build Limit
AFCMAdd a build limit to MineClone2
Mineclonia Stoneblock
coraThe claustrophobic anti-skyblock challenge - everything is there but covered in stone, mine-to-win DO NOT USE WITH EXISTING MAPS!
Mineclone2 More Ore Variants
NO11Make ores in stone like andesite or diorite look better.
Optionally Used By
Basic Houses
SokomineSimple random houses spawning in small groups on the map
bell07Aims to get all existing high quality mods working together
mt-modsFeature-filled home decor modpack.
Dynamic Liquid
FaceDeerFlowing dynamic liquids and ocean-maintenance springs.
SaKeLAdds many new biomes, items and blocks.
Handle Schematics
SokomineA library to make creating and placing saved areas easier.
SokomineExplore the world and find villages of diffrent types. Buy a house in a village and settle down.
Occupy Moon
rlarsThis game will send you to the moon!
EmptyStarA vibrant world of beautiful biomes. Explore, discover, create.
Nonsensical Skyblock
Kimaprskyblock game BASED on crafting. no quest cringe! bonemeal go brrrr
Mesecons lab
BuckarooBanzaiMesecons laboratory and tutorials
Dreambuilder Game
mt-modsDreambuilder is my attempt to give the player pretty much everything they could ever want to build with, and all the tools they should need to actually get the job done.
mt-modsSupplies a complete set of nice, round mesh-based water pipes, boxy item-transport tubes, and devices that work with them.