Modding Library
LMDMultipurpose Minetest Modding Library
Character Animations
LMDAnimates the character
Cellestial Game
LMDGame of Life in three dimensions.
Magic Potions
LMDPotions which grant player effects
HUD Timers
LMDA lightweight library for adding hud timers.
LMDLow-level high-performance entity library
Advanced Weapons
LMDAdds a variety of advanced weapons.
Chatcommand Library
LMDLibrary for registering chatcommands.
LMDQuick energy burst alternative to sprinting
LMDTurns 3D models into astonishing voxel builds.
Visible Wielditem
LMDShows your wielditem
Kill History
LMDAdds a kill history
LMDLive in-game skin editing! Upload & download to & from SkinDB!
Player Nametags
LMDAdds player nametags floating above players.
Online Craftguide
LMDGenerates a static craftguide website
Formspec Library
LMDFormspec string builder & event handler callbacks
Item Limit
LMDLimits the amount of items of certain types in player inventories
Advanced Chat
LMDA library for advanced chatting.
Cellular Automata
LMDSimulates 3D cellular automata
World of Life
LMDSimulates 3D cellular automata in your entire world. WARNING: you will lose items & buildings in your world.
Place Limit
LMDLimits node placement
Anti Exploit
LMDProtects against exploits
Disable Build Where They Stand
LMDDisables placing blocks at places where they would collide with a player
Cycle Limit
LMDLimits hotbar slot switching
Respawn Timer
LMDForces players to wait a set duration before respawning
Texture Generator
LMDDynamically generated texture packs
LMDAdds fancy particle ghosts
LMDDebugging on steroids
Runtime Strictness
LMDDisallows questionable usage of the Lua API & Lua itself to help catch errors
LMDA game of Go