Pyramids (with treasures)
WuzzyPyramids with treasures!
AmazAdds three different methods of flying, wings, jetpacks and flying carpets.
ROllerozxaSet the day of time cycle to a certain time permanently.
Alien Material
debiankaiosAdds new blocks, items, and tools from aliens. A new time begins.
Portable Chests
Bob64Portable chests you can pick up even when there are items inside.
domtron voxSkillsFramework provides an API for creating and managing skills.
More Stones
Blocky PlayerProvides a variety of educational and decorative minerals and rocks.
Temperature Survive
AiTechEyeMakes you feel temperatures
philipbenrThis is a modpack all about creating castles and castle dungeons.
Death Compass
FaceDeerA compass that points to the last place you died
Castle Tapestries
FaceDeerThis is a mod for creating medieval tapestries, as found in castles
X17Adds chains to climb or decorate
AiTechEyeUltimate build+mine & admin tool
MinisleepDisables drowning, so you can swim and live underwater forever.
Christmas Decor
GreenXenithChristmas-themed decor
shaftAdds birds which drop raw chicken upon death
Mineclone2 Falling Anvils
NO11A survival challenge for Mineclone2.
What Were You Expecting?
epCodeAn interactive rpg game with a fun ending.
WuzzyAdds some different ground blocks in several wetness levels; the wetness slowly flows downward.
Build Easy Box
epCodeA handy tool allowing the creation of large structures with minimal effort (in survival!).
Nathan.SLets you put up decorative walls around your gardens, and make pretty hardscapes.
WuzzyAdds a mana attribute to players, can be used as energy source for magical items, etc.
mt-modsadds some useful commands for servers
Nssm Extra
TenPlus1Even more creatures to add into your worlds
Un-Craft Table
TroodonAdds an uncraft table
No Lag
AFCM[April fool's joke] Removes Lag
HUD Analogic Clock
APercyAdds an analogic clock to hud
loosewheelAdds programmable computers and robots, and sundry.
WuzzyDecorative dice blocks which face a random direction.
Guns4d (library)
fatalerror420Adds a library for 3d guns
Item Information
Flay KruneganShows information about the item in use.
XevinAdds M.Y.K.O.T.A self-propagating mushroom liveform
SnowSong, the EPIC Sound Pack
tacotexmexSnowSong, the EPIC Sound Pack
Extended Tooltips: Base
WuzzyAdds generic tooltip extensions to items
Signs Bot
joe7575A robot controlled by signs
MR_breaddzblueberry juice
GreenXenithIn-game live player skin editor.
Extra Doors
sorcerykidExtra Doors provides a range of interior and exterior doors for builders
Climate API
TestificateModsA powerful engine for weather presets and visual effects. Requires a weather pack like Regional Weather.
AFCMPalamod modpack for MineClone2